Just as a fruit require an inward flow of carbohydrate and water to provide for seed and pericarp expansion, so mineral nutrients are also supplied.
Calcium is a major constituent of plant cell as calcium pectate, which binds the cells together.
Calcium has marked influence on plant health.
It caused weakened cell walls, resulting in inward curling, pale young leaves and sometimes death of growing point. It cause bitter pit in apple.
Apple flesh tissues with low concentrations are sensitive to bitter pit, cork spot, cracking, internal breakdown, lenticel breakdown, low temperature breakdown, senescence breakdown, superficial scald, watercourse and sunburn.
Apple tissues are sensitive to pathological disease, even though they are stored in controlled atmosphere storage.
Electron microscopy of stored apple fruit with low and and high calcium content at the time of harvest revealed that the reorganization of cells walls was very severe in long-stored, low calcium fruits, especially in the central parts of the cell walls.
In case of magnesium deficiency in apple tress, it causing premature defoliation.
Deficiencies of micronutrient such as zinc, boron, calcium, manganese, copper and magnesium are not very common.
When macronutrient deficiency occur, they are normally treated with foliar mineral sprays.
Mineral deficiency apple disease