For thousands of years, biotechnological process have been used in the creation of agriculture products.
Biotechnology can be define as the application of science or technology to biological systems, therefore biotechnology started 10000 years ago, when human first decided to put down roots and modify their surroundings to meet their needs.
Microorganisms were used thousands of years ago in the Middle East for leaven bread, brewing beer, and produce wine, but they are too small to be seen.
Other type of food fermentation practiced for thousands of years include the transformation of milk into chesses and fermentation of soybeans.
The first biotechnology experiments were carried out between 6000 BC and AD 1700 when people selectively bred agricultural animals and plants for beneficial characteristics in a process called selective breeding.
Through early biotechnology farmers were able to select the best suited and high yield crops to produce enough food to support a growing population.
Very small organism were first observed when the microscope was developed in the 17th century.
The discovery of the gene function on the 1960s made possible the first genetic engineering research in 1973.
By the start of the 20th century the role of microorganisms in the decay and nitrogen cycles became clearer and viruses were discovered.
Biotechnology has helped to catalyze the growth of the pharmaceuticals, food, agriculture processing and specialty product sectors of the global economy.
History of biotechnology in agriculture
An online platform focused on agricultural technology offers insights into the scientific knowledge and methodologies relevant to the field of agriculture. This knowledge is sourced from validation research, adaptive research, and creative research.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
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