Lowland rice often defined by the characteristics that distinguish it from irrigated, upland, and deepwater rice.
In most rice growing countries, rice is usually grown as a lowland crop.
Under this system, land is either prepared wet or dry but water is always held on the fields by bunds. The soil is flooded for at least part of the crop season. Water for rice production comes from either natural rainfall, floodwater, runoff from higher ground or irrigation.
The field remain flooded throughout much of the growing season, depending on rainfall or water availability.
About 30% of the world’s rice is grown as rainfed lowland and about 45% as irrigated lowland.
In rainfed lowland, rice grown in bunded fields and fields are flooded for at least part of the season and water comes from the rainfall.
Most of the rainfed lowland rice area of Southeast Asia is in major rice deltas, such as the Mekong in Vietnam, the Chao Phraya in Thailand, the Irrawaddy in Myanmar and the Ganges-Brahmaputra in India and Bangladesh.
Lowland rice
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