Thursday, October 2, 2014

Agricultural Mechanization

Tools, implements and powered machinery are essential for agriculture. The term ‘mechanization’ is generally used as an overall description of the application of these inputs.

Three kinds of power are used to provide energy source for these tools, machines and equipment: manual power, animal draft and motorized power.

Agriculture, once a harrowing and back-breaking endeavor has been vastly improved on the past few centuries, thanks to inventions such s the tractor, the thresher and the baler.

Mechanization generally enhances human capacity, leading to intensification and increased productivity as a result of timely planting, weed control, harvesting, post-harvest handling, and accessibility to markets.

Mechanization is also becoming increasingly important in addressing the shortage of farm power in the rural areas as a result of the declining agriculture labor force.  Substituting labor use with mechanization can reduce production cost and food prizes, which in turn can reduce poverty.

It also reduces drudgery, making agriculture a more attractive enterprise.

Among other achievements of agriculture mechanization includes:
*Fewer farm workers needed
*More output per farm worker
*More products per hour of work
*More food and fiber for human consumption
*Less hand labor needed

Agricultural mechanization is driven by both demand and sully factors. Demand for agricultural mechanization generally increases with the evolution of intensive farming systems in response to rising population density and market opportunity.
Agricultural Mechanization

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