Tomato plants may be started indoors from seed. The plant beds are prepared for seeding at least a week in advance of sowing so that the soil will be warm when seeded.
Sow seed about 6.5 mm in a clean, light soil and keep them warm, about 21.1 to 26.7 ° C and evenly moist until seedlings appear. It usually comes up in about 5 days.
The seed need two things to germinate properly, warmth and moisture. If the soil mix already contains fertilizer, it may also unnecessary to add additional fertilizer until transplanting. Once the seeds the sprouted, they will need 6 to 8 hours of brought light per day and regular irrigation.
When the seedlings are about one to two weeks old, transplant them into bigger containers. Tomato transplants should be about 15 to 20.5 cm tall, sufficiently hardened-off, stocky and well covered with healthy green leaves.
The spaced required for tomatoes depends upon the variety and method of culture. Space dwarf plants twelve inches part in the row. Space staked plants 38 to 61 cm apart.
Removing older leaves in maturing tomato plants is an essential step to speed up the fruiting process. As the tomato plants mature, the lower leaves will turn yellow and wilt. This is natural process that is observed in all healthy tomato plants.
Remove the terminal shoot of the tomato plant to give the fruits limited time to mature. This directs all the nutrients to the fruit and results in juicer, tastier and healthier tomatoes.
Growing tomato plants from seed
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