Buckwheat, belonging to the Polygonaceae family and Fagopyrum genus, is an annual dicotyledonous crop known for its broad leaves that can reach a height of 2–5 ft. Despite not being a cereal, its fruits are conveniently grouped with cereal grains due to similar usage.
This warm-season plant is characterized by superficial surface roots, a weak taproot, and upright reddish stems. Renowned for its short growth cycle of 10 to 12 weeks, it thrives in moderately fertile soil, requiring meticulous land preparation weeks in advance to remove weeds and enhance soil porosity. Adequate drainage is essential to prevent water lodging, which can impede germination and reduce crop yield.
For optimal growth, buckwheat should be planted during warm weather for vegetative growth and cool weather for seed development. Planting dates vary by region, with recommendations ranging from late May to mid-June in North Dakota, mid-June to mid-July in New York, and mid-July in central Washington with irrigation.
Seeds should be sown at a depth of 4–6 cm, but in dry climates, deeper sowing is recommended for sufficient moisture. Buckwheat has modest fertility needs, and some growers rely on residual fertility. The recommended fertilizer includes 47 kg nitrogen, 22 kg phosphorus, and 40 kg potassium per hectare, aiming for a yield of approximately 1600 kg. It can tolerate soil pH as low as 4.8.
Flowering commences 3 to 6 weeks after planting, and since the flowers are self-sterile, insect or wind pollination is necessary. Harvesting time varies with altitude, occurring late in high-altitude areas and early in mid- and low-altitude regions. Timely harvesting, around 10 weeks after planting, is vital to prevent grain shattering.
Small-scale threshing is straightforward, as most seeds fall out when a dry grain bundle is shaken. Harvested seeds must be thoroughly dried to around 14% moisture for safe storage. After harvesting, dehulling the seeds yields groats, which can be ground into flour for various purposes.
Buckwheat Cultivation Essentials
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Sunday, December 17, 2023
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